At the April 5th, 2023 Metropolitan Development Commission hearing, the commission voted 8-0 to overturn the requested variance.
Help us promote access and economic equity.
The variance requested by 801 Shelby Street (Switchboard Expansion) represents a 74% deviation from the minimum requirements of the City Ordinance and does not include the necessary accessible parking. Switchboard is open to its tenants 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The current location has off-street parking.
By providing off-street parking at the 735 Shelby Street location, the amount of street parking used is minimized.
The project, as proposed, provides ZERO off-street parking spaces.
This means that 100% of the tenants, clients and guests will park on YOUR street. 735 Shelby impacted zero residential lots. The new project would monopolize the parking of at least 34 residential lots! This is both injurious to the community and would set a dangerous precedent for the wider district.