Neighborhoods are a balance of uses working harmoniously together to create a sense of place.

What’s going on?

Last year, Switchboard submitted the plans below for an adaptive re-use of the Church at 801 Shelby Street in the Fountain Square Neighborhood. The plans include 38 private offices and 2,200 square feet of open office, housing up to 44 additional occupants. Even with single occupancy of the offices, that is a potential 82 total occupants, with double occupancy - 120 occupants. The reviewed plans included ZERO off-street parking spaces for up to 82 occupants.

The City did not review the project as is required in the ordinance and issued a Structural Permit in November of 2022. Upon becoming aware of the permit, neighbors acted to prevent the project from moving forward. The City recognized the deficiency and suspended the project’s permit. The City proclaimed the project must obtain either an Improvement Location Permit or a Variance of Development Standards to have their Structural Permit reinstated. The project chose to make no modifications to make the plan more appropriate and sought a variance instead.

Unfortunately Staff Planners supported the variance and at the March 14th Board of Zoning Appeals hearing, the Board voted to approve the variance, despite Fountain Square Neighborhood Association writing a letter of opposition and a handful of neighbors speaking out against the project.

Again neighbors acted, seeking support from Councillors Adamson and Jones, to appeal the BZA’s decision. Our Councillors saw the need and ensured the appeal was filed.

That brings us to today!

We need every neighbor to share their voice to let the MDC know that our neighborhood deserves a more appropriately scaled project at 801 Shelby.

Switchboard Plans for 801 Shelby Street
Site Plan with Severly Deficient Parking